Add Link to Rating Feature in Windows UWP App

In oder to add a link to rate your app following code can be used in javascript UWP app var storeID = ‘xxxxxxxxxxxx’; function rate() { var uri = new Windows.Foundation.Uri(“ms-windows-store://review/?ProductId=” + storeID); var options = new Windows.System.LauncherOptions(); Windows.System.Launcher.launchUriAsync(uri, options); } Replace storeID with your app’s Store ID and call “rate” method on a button click event which will open the app in windows store with rate popup overlay.

App Promotion Trick for Windows Store App

If you are a publisher who has published multiple UWP apps in the windows store and want to add a catalog of all your other apps in your UWP app, then there is no need to write a lot of code to achieve this capability. Microsoft has provided URI scheme to launch the Microsoft Store app to specific pages in the store. We can use search capability to find products from a specific publisher and simply launch that URI using LaunchUriAsync API method. For ex. in order to launch all products published by some “XYZ Corporation” in the windows store we can simply call the following URI ms-windows-store://publisher/?name=XYZ Corporation Following code example demonstrates how this can be achieved using 3 lines of code in Javascript store app function showPublisherApps() { var publisherDisplayName = “Microsoft Corporation”; // Change this to your publisher name var uri = new Windows.Foundation.Uri(“ms-windows-store://publisher/?name=” + publisherDisplayName); var options = new[…]

Open Share Dialog from Universal Windows Javascript App (UWP)

Opening Share Dialog Popup in Windows Universal App is very simple and with a few lines of code, this functionality can be quickly added to any app. The code below can be used to share an app’s web URL (you can use MS Store URL of the app as well) in UWP Javascript application var page = WinJS.UI.Pages.define(“/index.html”, { ready: function (element, options) { var dataTransferManager = Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.DataTransferManager.getForCurrentView(); dataTransferManager.addEventListener(“datarequested”, dataRequested); }, unload: function () { var dataTransferManager = Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.DataTransferManager.getForCurrentView(); dataTransferManager.removeEventListener(“datarequested”, dataRequested); } }); function dataRequested(e) { var request = e.request; var storeID = ‘xxxxxxxxxxxx’; = “Your title”; = “App description”; Windows.Foundation.Uri(“” + storeID)); } function showShareUI() { Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.DataTransferManager.showShareUI(); } In the application page ready event we need to initialize DataTransferManager and attach an event listener for “datarequested”. In that method you can set title, display, web link properties which will be used by the dialog popup. Store ID[…]