Disable Comments in a Single Post in WordPress

Recently I started getting hundreds of spam comments to a specific post and for a couple days I kept deleting it assuming it was a one time flood but those spam comments kept coming in hundreds everyday. I did not want to delete the post since it had a decent views so decided to look for ways to disable comments in only that specific post. The solution came pretty quickly and was already built-in the WordPress. All I had to do was to go to the posts and then click Quick Edit link which opened an inline edit box and there it was; the option to disable comments. Check for highlighted section below for the same

How to Embed Google AdSense Code inside a WordPress Post without Any Plugin

WordPress does not let you embed PHP code inside the posts but uses a feature to create Shortcode functions which are executed whenever they are encountered within a post. This is pretty handy feature since this gives you capability to add some PHP code in your WordPress files and then call it from your posts. The PHP code can be added to Theme’s functions.php file. We can use this to load ads from within the posts. Go to WordPress administration -> Appearance -> Editor -> By default style.css is opened for editing. Open functions.php by clicking on the file name on right hand side listing. Now copy the following code at the end of the file and change the return string to your Adsense code. Shortcode is defined by calling add_shortcode function and passing two parameters to it. The first one is a given name which will be used in the posts to call this[…]

WordPress Error: Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute

This error occurs when you try to update something in WordPress site and the update fails for some reason and then your site goes down and following message is displayed Don’t worry. The process to fix this is pretty straight-forward. Go to your blog installation folder and look for .maintenance file. This file is generated by WordPress when the update occurs and then removed after the update finishes. In case update fails and this file could not be removed, then the above error message is displayed. Delete this file and you will be back up.