Add AdMob Ads to HTML5 Game using Intel XDK

The steps are as following Open your app in Intel XDK and go to CORDOVA HYBRID MOBILE APP SETTINGS section Click on “Add Plugins to this project” and search for the plugin “cordova-plugin-admob-free” in npm. Click “Add Plugin” which adds plugin to the project. Open your index.html and add following code <script> document.addEventListener(“deviceready”, onDeviceReady, false); function onDeviceReady() { initAd(); showBannerFunc(); } //initialize the goodies function initAd(){ admob.banner.config({ id: ‘ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111’, adSize: window.plugins.AdMob.AD_SIZE.BANNER }); admob.interstitial.config({ id: ‘ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712’, autoShow: false }); // Create banner admob.banner.prepare() } //display the banner function showBannerFunc(){; } //prepare the interstitial function prepareInterstitialFunc(){ admob.interstitial.prepare(); } //display the interstitial function showInterstitialFunc(){; } </script> Replace banner and interstitial ad code id with yours. The code in the example is given by Google to test the ads which displays placeholder ads for testing. This can be used during development and testing. Replace it with your ad codes for release. Another thing to note here[…]

Add Social Sharing Feature to HTML5 Game using Intel XDK

If you have gone through previous post in which we discussed about using Intel XDK to compile HTML5 games to Android apps, next steps are to add features which are quite necessary for every Android app such Social Sharing option. There are many open source plugins available to add Social Sharing feature to your app and it takes no more than a few minutes of effort to integrate this feature and get it working. The steps are as following Open your app in Intel XDK and go to CORDOVA HYBRID MOBILE APP SETTINGS section Click on “Add Plugins to this project” and search for the plugin “cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing” in npm. Click “Add Plugin” which adds plugin to the project. Open your index.html and add following code <script> function share(){ window.plugins.socialsharing.share(‘Sample’, null, null, ‘’); } </script> Replace title and URL of the Android app in the code. And that is it. Now the share[…]

How Email Marketing Can Help Your Business Grow?

Email marketing is one of very effective ways to hit the mind of existing as well as prospective customers in building relationship with them and get them engaged with your products or services. We will go over certain things which should be done in order to achieve desired results: ◊ Set goals It is really important to decide the purpose of sending emails. For ex. you want to promote your products or services and bring traffic to your website; or you want to use it for sending exclusive offers to new or existing customers in order to increase sales. ◊ Develop a contacts list So how can you find email ids of people? You can include a questionnaire form on your website and also encourage your customers to subscribe online for receiving updates and newsletters. Make sure you get their consent to send commercial emails as different countries can have law restrictions. ◊ Speak to prospects and[…]

Four Most Important Ways To Build Your Web Presence

Now a days approximately half of the world is getting online to find information. The amount of potential customers has expanded because more and more people are browsing the web from so many different types of devices. With such a big change we can’t ignore its worth to tap for promoting our business online and also the access to global market. It is like extending your business as a brand globally. You can also take it as improved customer experience. In fact you are not only providing better experience to existing customers but also making more people aware about and reach to your products or services. It is not an overnight task rather it does take time and continuous effort to build web presence and become recognizable. There are certain ways to start with your online activities: • Websites • Local Business listings and review sites • Social media •[…]

Compile Phaser Games (or any other HTML5 Game) as Android Store App using Intel XDK

Intel XDK has long supported development and compilation of HTML5 games for Android, iOS and Windows store. It even provided a cloud based build system which took care of preparation of final packages which could be directly published to respective Android, iOS and Windows stores but starting from July 2017, Intel XDK build system has been shut down and new versions of Intel XDK do not have Game templates anymore. Still the tool is very useful for compiling your HTML5 games for Android, iOS and Windows stores. We are going to look at steps to compile HTML5 game for Android in this tutorial. Step 1 – Download and install Intel XDK. Step 2 – Create a new project using Blank HTML5 + Cordova template. Select “HTML5 + Cordova” and Click “Continue” which open a dialog box for specifying Project Name and Directory. We are going to use Dice Roller example code[…]

How to bring A Website on the first page of Search?

It’s not an easy task. In the era of increasing competition; every 1 in a 3 business fails in the span of five years. The reason is the technology advancement. Technology is getting changed over time incessantly. To meet the competition, business needs to grow accordingly. On the contrary for many businesses it’s human nature not to adapt change and stay stuck in the past. Technological advancement means a business has to look at different ways of marketing and promotion for getting ahead of all. Now Marketing is no more a one way street as you are connected to people in more ways. For this we need to focus on the basics first. Search Algorithm The key to higher ranking in search results is keeping up the expectations of Search engines which follow an algorithm. While choosing to display results they consider following elements: Words matter – It’s all about whatever you[…]