How Email Marketing Can Help Your Business Grow?

Email marketing is one of very effective ways to hit the mind of existing as well as prospective customers in building relationship with them and get them engaged with your products or services. We will go over certain things which should be done in order to achieve desired results:

◊ Set goals

It is really important to decide the purpose of sending emails. For ex. you want to promote your products or services and bring traffic to your website; or you want to use it for sending exclusive offers to new or existing customers in order to increase sales.

◊ Develop a contacts list

So how can you find email ids of people? You can include a questionnaire form on your website and also encourage your customers to subscribe online for receiving updates and newsletters. Make sure you get their consent to send commercial emails as different countries can have law restrictions.

◊ Speak to prospects and customers based on their interests

You can start sending emails by simply introducing about your line of products and services. In this email you can include small questionnaire to get an idea about their area of interest to communicate further. Take a note that the questionnaire should be short, simple and easy to complete. You can also ask your existing customers if they’re interested to receive updates about your line of products and services.

Remember, Loyalty builds up over time!!

◊ Email marketing services

These services help storing information about customers which also gives you insight about customer’s behavior. It can be used to track the activity of receivers what they do when they receive it. It can track clicks on the links included in your email and further actions taken by the receivers once they reach on your page. Some of such tools allow previewing email on different devices. There are many other elements included in these tools for customization to effectively communicate with people. For ex. If you want to add the option to sign up/subscribe or unsubscribe, scheduling of email; you can easily do it with the help of this tool.

◊ Customized emails

Writing an email to build relationship with new or existing customers is an art. Personalized emails increase chances of receivers reading it fully and also has more chances of receivers clicking to visit your website. To seek the attention and make people open an email, your subject line should be really strong. Think over it.

Usually two things are noticed at glance i.e. “From” field and the “Subject” line of an email. Try to use name and email address in “From” field that clearly identifies about the business. Poorly composed subject lines or suspicious emails can simply lead that email into spam filters. If possible, personalize the subject line for specific customers. For e.g. If you are an organization offering courses then the subject could be “John, are you looking for digital marketing crash course?

For center part of an email keep in mind that:

  • The content of email should be concise.
  • Keep your email focused on single idea. In case you have more important things to talk about, you can include a link to detailed information on your website but make sure the link includes a call to action so as to get clicked. For e.g. “Click here to register for a 2 weeks free trial of the course”
  • Use text in bold and styled to highlight important content or offers, if any.
  • In addition to the above, always include some links at the bottom of the email that allow receivers to change their email preferences or update their contact information. There should always be the option to unsubscribe.
  • Don’t send too many emails because it might lead to receivers unsubscribing from further emails.
  • Use A/B Testing. For e.g. Create two or more versions of emails and check which performs better. Create relevant links to landing pages and measure the response. Email marketing will be more successful if you send prospect or customer directly to the page they want to see to seek the information they are looking for. The email with higher open rate will be the most suitable to proceed further. ♦  A/B Testing can be used for different subject lines, frequency (alternate days, weekly, monthly etc.), content and images as well. You have to act accordingly.
  • Use Web analytics to check what people are doing on your website when they click on your emails.


Note –

• It is advisable to avoid words like free, % off, reminder, specials and exclamation points etc which have more chances to fall into spam filters.


Once you start email marketing; it will give you an idea about what goes well and what doesn’t. By the time you can create better emails for customers which in turn make higher possibility of getting more potential customers along with loyal ones. Keep reviewing your emails at regular intervals. Improved customer experience increases the chance to serve your objective. Be it bringing more traffic to your website or increase sales.

These tips will help you grow and understand the value of email marketing.

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