Exploring RESIZE Scale Mode in Phaser 3

We explored FIT scale mode in previous article. We already did most of the base work for calculating and scaling sprites and texts and respositioning them in the scene view area so let see how much of additional code do we need to add in order to change our game from FIT to RESIZE scale mode.

First we need to change game config as following

    let config = {
        type: Phaser.AUTO,
        scale: {
            parent: 'mygame',
            mode: Phaser.Scale.RESIZE,
            width: '100%',
            height: '100%'
        backgroundColor: 0xFF0000,
        scene: TheGame

    let game = new Phaser.Game(config);

Now we need to add a resize event in our create method as following

this.scale.on('resize', this.resize, this);

Create resize method as following

    resize(gameSize, baseSize, displaySize, resolution) {
        let width = gameSize.width;
        let height = gameSize.height;

        this.cameras.resize(width, height);
        this.positionControls(width, height);

In resize method we retrieve width and height of the game from “gameSize”. We will reposition the controls by simply calling “positionControls”. This change is made for both scenes. See below for the complete code of both scenes (All changes in the code from FIT mode is marked)

class TheGame extends Phaser.Scene {

    constructor() {

    preload() {
        this.load.spritesheet("pegs", "images/pegs.png", {
            frameWidth: 60,
            frameHeight: 60

    create() {
        this.boardDef = [
            [-1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1],
            [-1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1],
            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
            [1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
            [-1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1],
            [-1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1]

        //  If a Game Object is clicked on, this event is fired.
        //  We can use it to emit the 'clicked' event on the game object itself.
        this.input.on('gameobjectup', function (pointer, gameObject) {
            gameObject.emit('clicked', gameObject);
        }, this);

        // add our sprites
        this.board = [];
        this.selectedPeg = null;
        this.movesCount = 0;
        this.isMoving = false;

        for (let i = 0, len = this.boardDef.length; i < len; i++) {
            let r = this.boardDef[i];
            let row = [];
            for (let j = 0, cnt = r.length; j < cnt; j++) {
                let c = r[j];
                if (c >= 0) {
                    let cell = this.add.image(-900, -900, "pegs");
                    cell.setFrame(c > 0 ? 1 : 0);

                    // enable input events
                    cell.on('clicked', this.clickPeg, this);
                    cell.gridX = i;
                    cell.gridY = j;
                } else {
        this.movesLabel = this.add.text(-900, -900, 'Moves: ' + this.movesCount, { fontFamily: "Arial Black", fontSize: 40, color: "#fff" });
        this.movesLabel.setShadow(2, 2, 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)', 2);

        this.tempPeg = this.add.sprite(-200, -200, "pegs");

        this.scale.on('resize', this.resize, this);

        let gameWidth = this.cameras.main.width;
        let gameHeight = this.cameras.main.height;
        this.positionControls(gameWidth, gameHeight);

    positionControls(width, height) {
        // 7 pegs + leave space equivalent for 1 peg on each side
        let pegSize = Math.min(width / 9, height / 9);
        let pegScale = localScaleManager.scaleSprite(this.tempPeg, pegSize, pegSize, 0, 1, true);
        let horizontalMargin = (width - 7 * pegSize) / 2;
        let verticalMargin = (height - 7 * pegSize) / 2;

        let colsCount = this.board.length;
        for (let i = 0; i < colsCount; i++) {
            let col = this.board[i];
            for (let j = 0, cnt = col.length; j < cnt; j++) {
                let c = col[j];
                if (c) {
                    localScaleManager.scaleSpriteTo(c, pegScale);
                    c.setPosition(horizontalMargin + i * pegSize, verticalMargin + j * pegSize);

        localScaleManager.scaleText(this.movesLabel, width, pegSize, Math.min(width, pegSize * 0.2), 1, true);
        this.movesLabel.setPosition(width / 2 - this.movesLabel.displayWidth / 2, 0);
        this.pegSize = pegSize;

    resize(gameSize, baseSize, displaySize, resolution) {
        let width = gameSize.width;
        let height = gameSize.height;

        this.cameras.resize(width, height);
        this.positionControls(width, height);

    updateMoves(movesCount) {
        let width = this.cameras.main.width;
        this.movesLabel.setText('Moves: ' + movesCount);
        this.movesLabel.setPosition(width / 2 - this.movesLabel.displayWidth / 2, 0);

    gameOver() {
        this.registry.set('gamedata', { movesCount: this.movesCount, remainingPegs: this.remainingPegs() });
        this.time.delayedCall(500, function () {
            let gameOver = new GameOver('GameOver');
            this.scene.add('GameOver', gameOver, true);
        }, [], this)

    isAnyValidMove() {
        let colsCount = this.board.length;
        for (let i = 0; i < colsCount; i++) {
            let col = this.board[i];
            for (let j = 0, endIndex = col.length - 3; j <= endIndex; j++) {
                let c1 = col[j];
                let c2 = col[j + 1];
                let c3 = col[j + 2];

                if (c1 && c2 && c3) {
                    if (c1.frame.name !== 0 && c2.frame.name !== 0 && c3.frame.name === 0) return true;
                    if (c1.frame.name === 0 && c2.frame.name !== 0 && c3.frame.name !== 0) return true;

        let rowsCount = this.board[0].length;
        for (let i = 0, len = colsCount - 3; i <= len; i++) {
            let r1 = this.board[i];
            let r2 = this.board[i + 1];
            let r3 = this.board[i + 2];
            for (let j = 0; j < rowsCount; j++) {
                let c1 = r1[j];
                let c2 = r2[j];
                let c3 = r3[j];

                if (c1 && c2 && c3) {
                    if (c1.frame.name !== 0 && c2.frame.name !== 0 && c3.frame.name === 0) return true;
                    if (c1.frame.name === 0 && c2.frame.name !== 0 && c3.frame.name !== 0) return true;
        return false;

    remainingPegs() {
        let pegs = 0;
        for (let i = 0, len = this.board.length; i < len; i++) {
            let row = this.board[i];
            for (let j = 0, cnt = row.length; j < cnt; j++) {
                let cell = row[j];
                if (cell && cell.frame.name !== 0) {
        return pegs;

    clickPeg(peg) {
        if (this.isMoving) return;

        if (peg.frame.name === 0) {
            // if we have not selected a peg to jump then no need to move any further
            if (!this.selectedPeg)

            let clickedX = peg.gridX;
            let clickedY = peg.gridY;
            let selectedX = this.selectedPeg.gridX;
            let selectedY = this.selectedPeg.gridY;

            if ((clickedX + 2 === selectedX || clickedX - 2 === selectedX) && clickedY === selectedY) {
                // move horizontal
                let pegToRemove = this.board[(selectedX + clickedX) / 2][clickedY];
                if (pegToRemove.frame.name === 0)

                this.removePeg(this.tempPeg, this.selectedPeg, peg, pegToRemove);

                this.selectedPeg = null;

            } else if ((clickedY + 2 === selectedY || clickedY - 2 === selectedY) && clickedX === selectedX) {
                // move vertical
                let pegToRemove = this.board[clickedX][(selectedY + clickedY) / 2];
                if (pegToRemove.frame.name === 0)

                this.removePeg(this.tempPeg, this.selectedPeg, peg, pegToRemove);

                this.selectedPeg = null;

        } else {
            if (this.selectedPeg) {
                if (peg === this.selectedPeg) {
                    this.selectedPeg = null;
                } else {
                    this.selectedPeg = peg;
            } else {
                this.selectedPeg = peg;

    removePeg(tempPeg, selectedPeg, targetPeg, pegToRemove) {
        tempPeg.setPosition(selectedPeg.x, selectedPeg.y);
        tempPeg.targetPeg = targetPeg;
        tempPeg.removePeg = pegToRemove;
        tempPeg.visible = true;
        var self = this;
        this.isMoving = true;
        this.pegTween = this.tweens.add({
            targets: tempPeg,
            x: targetPeg.x,
            y: targetPeg.y,
            duration: 200,
            delay: 50,
            onStart: function (tween) {
                let sprite = tween.targets[0];
            onComplete: function (tween) {
                self.isMoving = false;
                let sprite = tween.targets[0];
                sprite.visible = false;
                if (!self.isAnyValidMove()) {
                    self.cameras.main.shake(2000, 0.005); // second parameter is just the shake intensity
                    let timedEvent = self.time.addEvent({
                        delay: 2000,
                        callbackScope: this,
                        callback: function () {

class GameOver extends Phaser.Scene {
    constructor() {

    preload() {
        this.load.image("restart", "images/restart.png");
    create() {
        let gamedata = this.registry.get('gamedata');

        this.messageText = this.add.text(-900, -900, 'Game Over', { fontFamily: "Arial Black", fontSize: 40, color: "#fff" });
        this.movesText = this.add.text(-900, -900, 'Moves: ' + gamedata.movesCount, { fontFamily: "Arial Black", fontSize: 40, color: "#fff" });
        if (gamedata.remainingPegs > 1) {
            this.remainingPegsText = this.add.text(-900, -900, 'Remaining Pegs: ' + gamedata.remainingPegs, { fontFamily: "Arial Black", fontSize: 40, color: "#ffff00" });

        let btn = this.add.image(-900, -900, 'restart');
        btn.on('pointerup', this.startGame, this);
        this.restartButton = btn;

        this.scale.on('resize', this.resize, this);

        let gameWidth = this.cameras.main.width;
        let gameHeight = this.cameras.main.height;
        this.positionControls(gameWidth, gameHeight);

    positionControls(width, height) {
        // 20% height for messageText
        // 20% for movesText
        // 20% for remainingPegsText
        // 25% for restartButton
        localScaleManager.scaleText(this.messageText, width, height * 0.20, Math.min(width, height * 0.20) * 0.1, 1, false);
        this.messageText.setPosition(width / 2 - this.messageText.displayWidth / 2, height * 0.15);

        localScaleManager.scaleText(this.movesText, width, height * 0.20, Math.min(width, height * 0.20) * 0.1, 1, false);
        this.movesText.setPosition(width / 2 - this.movesText.displayWidth / 2, height * 0.35);

        if (this.remainingPegsText) {
            localScaleManager.scaleText(this.remainingPegsText, width, height * 0.20, Math.min(width, height * 0.20) * 0.1, 1, false);
            this.remainingPegsText.setPosition(width / 2 - this.remainingPegsText.displayWidth / 2, height * 0.55);

        localScaleManager.scaleSprite(this.restartButton, width, height * 0.25, Math.min(width, height * 0.20) * 0.1, 1, true);
        this.restartButton.setPosition(width / 2, height * 0.825);

    resize(gameSize, baseSize, displaySize, resolution) {
        let width = gameSize.width;
        let height = gameSize.height;

        this.cameras.resize(width, height);
        this.positionControls(width, height);

    startGame() {
        this.time.delayedCall(100, function () {
            let theGame = new TheGame('TheGame');
            this.scene.add('TheGame', theGame, true);
        }, [], this)

We also need to change tweens since they are used for moving sprites. If tweens are running while game is resized, then we need to change target position of those tweens to point to new calculated positions. The alternate solution would be to keep a reference of tweens and cancel tweens on resize event. We can then simply reposition controls in the game to their new positions. We will look at that in the next article. If we are cancelling tweens then we also need to plan for events associated with the tweens such as onComplete especially if it contains important logic which should be executed after tweens are finished running.

Check out the game in your browser window here. Try resizing it in your browser window to see scaling at work.

You can play the game here

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